Weekly photo challenge: the world through my eyes

Through my eyes this weekend I’m seeing a lot of rocks, surf, sand and seaweed.  And a lot of my husband.

While I dally along looking at every rock pool …

Red seaweed in rock pool, Huskisson
Nature imitating Aboriginal art: red seaweed and creature trails in a rock pool, Huskisson, NSW

stopped in my tracks by the beauty of a shell heap …

Seashells on the seashore
Seashells on the seashore, Huskisson

studying the red seaweed washing in and gathering in wavy edges, he keeps going, so that when I snap a general view he’s often there at its edge.

Huskisson Beach, Jervis Bay, NSW
Huskisson Beach, NSW

This rock platform seems to have eroded with the ebb tide.  I was totally amazed by it, but he wasn’t.

Rocks, Huskisson Beach
Rock shelf, Huskisson Beach

But then, he’s an Ebook kind of guy and I prefer paper.  He’s happy to read first then eat his banana.  I like to do both at once.

Ebook support
Ebook support