366 unusual things: days 149-153

28th May – Took some tartes au citron (French lemon tarts), made by me, to a French-Swiss friend.  Like taking flowers to a florist.  Got the recipe from her blog.  The recipe has ingredients for 3 large tarts, or 75 tartlets that might look like mine:

29th May – On The Voice, a TV singing competition, one of the contestants is a beautiful blind singer whose name is a palindrome:  Rachael Leahcar.

30th May – Another singer with a powerful voice drew this exclamation from her coach/judge, Seal:
“You’re possessed.  You must have done a deal with the devil to make that voice come out of you.”
But then he said,
“God bless you, darlin’.”

31st May – Just watched what looked like a red autumn leaf fluttering among yellow leaves on a tree.  But looking carefully I saw it was a red breast on a small grey bird.  A robin.  I’ve never seen one before.  They only pass through suburban gardens when migrating.

1st June – Read that Umberto Eco’s Italian original of The Name of the Rose has no semi-colons in it;  his machine didn’t have that key.