Ailsa's travel photo challenge: Flow

I have this photo which is entirely suitable for Ailsa’s challenge this week.  She asks us to open the floodgates and let the creativity flow.  Well, this photo is not a product of my creativity but of my treasure-hunting.  I found it in my father’s WWII album, where it’s entitled ‘Weir in Nile’.  The water is certainly flowing!

Often when I want to identify a location in one of these old photos, I can search the web for similar photos, which usually is a sure way of finding details about my image.  This time, however, I’ve been unsuccessful.  I’ve researched the dams,weirs and barrages on the Nile River in Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia and not found any image that resembles mine.  It’s possible that this dam has been rebuilt since the 1940s and now looks completely different. Click twice to enlarge the image.

If anyone out there is an expert on old Nile dams, and if you know what this one was called, please tell me.  I’ll be very grateful!

Weir in Nile River
Weir in Nile River, c1941