18th May – Just received an email telling me how much the sender is grateful for my friendship and that good things will happen if I send it to ten more people. But there’s more; I am promised that at 10.35 am tomorrow I’ll hear something I’ve been waiting to hear.
19th May – At 10.35 am I was teaching a girl who can’t read much. I didn’t hear what I’ve been waiting to hear; she still can’t read much. This false prophecy had an unusual effect on me: though I looked at the email only once, the exact time prediction played on my brain like an irritating jingle.
20th May – A woman in the Housing flats had her partner evicted by police and is now picking up all the beer cans and rubbish in the yard.
21st May – In the black of night I was driving out of a large country property when the tall wrought-iron gates automatically began closing towards me. I waited a few seconds, then they opened.
22nd May – Waited at traffic lights behind a painted hippy holiday van with the message ‘Beer makes you see double, makes you feel single’.