366 unusual things: days 354 – 358

19th Dec – My son cooked dinner for the six of us in his apartment.  It’s his 24th birthday but he spoilt us.

20th Dec – In my household, 4 things have an imperfection in their 4th working part:
One leg has rusted off my fashionably pre-rusted outdoor table;
One of four glass feet on a blue heirloom vase broke off and rejects the strongest glue;
Our dog’s fourth leg hangs limply since he broke a ligament;
One candle on a German Christmas carousel burns out before the other three.  But here it is, running on 4 pistons:

Christmas merry-go-round

21st Dec – Received an email from a publisher’s employee with the Dickensian name of Robert Puffett.

22nd Dec – On a shady bench in the Sculpture Garden, away from visitor paths, I read my translation aloud into a recorder.

23rd Dec – At 7 am as I wandered in the garden, bees buzzed about my ears and eyes.  I looked up into the fig tree and saw and heard a swarm of them gathering sweet sticky honeydew left by a plague of aphids.

4 Replies to “366 unusual things: days 354 – 358”

  1. Garden? Bees? I stuck my nose out the door to let our dog out this morning and an icicle froze on the tip 😀
    Some sunshine would be nice around now. Yikes!

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