Weekly photo challenge: Family

A few days ago a few of us from my family went to the south coast for the day.  We tried four beaches, but this one was the best for skipping stones:  Circuit Beach.  I took these action shots as my husband and two of our sons sent those stones back into the ocean.

Skipping stones 2
Skipping stones, Circuit Beach, NSW
Skipping stones, Circuit Beach, NSW
Skipping stones, Circuit Beach, NSW

10 Replies to “Weekly photo challenge: Family”

  1. They all have fantastic stone-skipping skills. I was hopeless – mine went straight to the bottom. But they had sore arms the next day. 🙂

  2. Thanks. It was a colourless overcast day, so there was little loss in converting the photos to black and white. And I was surprised at how much more interesting they were. The figures were sharper, and their movements became the subject, rather than the beach.

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