Weekly photo challenge: Good morning

Good morning!Β  Just having my morning cappuccino and reading, by coincidence, The Sleeper Awakes by H.G. Wells.

I’m up to the part where Graham has escaped from the room where he awoke after sleeping for 203 years…

Good Morning2

11 Replies to “Weekly photo challenge: Good morning”

  1. Indeed, it was serendipitous! And my waking on a beautiful spring morning was much more pleasant than Graham’s in the novel, who awoke to a world gone bad.

  2. This novel by H.G. Wells I did not know. I’ve just ordered it because your picture made ​​me curious. If it is half as good as the rest of Wells, I’m looking forward to reading it. And I like to take a cappuccino. (I like the way the Italians drink it, without cocoa. But of course, this is always a matter of personal taste) Thank you for the suggestion!

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