366 unusual things: days 79-83

19th Mar – Just read that Abraham’s first recorded words are his instruction to his wife to tell a lie, in order to save his own life.

20th Mar – Paid for access to George Sand’s Story of my Life.  Translated from French.  1585 pages, 72 chapters, 65 translators.   Apparently the largest group translation outside the Bible.

21st Mar – Heard Libby Holman singing Body and Soul (1930).  She occasionally uses the OSV word order – object-subject-verb:  ‘My life a wreck you’re making’.  Like Yoda from Star Wars – ‘When nine hundred years old you reach, look as good, you will not, hmmm?’

22nd Mar – Went to tutor at a house where nothing is thrown away.  Found a note to myself that I dropped in the yard last year, a reminder to get The Scarlet Letter from the library.

23rd Mar – Ran into a man who told me his wife, whom I’ve known for 10 years, is teaching French at the local primary school.  As a Francophile, I wondered how I could have known someone for 10 years and not known she speaks French, so I had to ask, ‘Does she speak French?’.  ‘No,’ he said, ‘she’s learning it at the Alliance Française.’  Hope she’s a few lessons ahead of her students.

3 Replies to “366 unusual things: days 79-83”

  1. Frustrating for someone like me who is fluent in French but can’t teach it in schools because I don’t have a Dip. Ed. I’ve taught French in an after-school care program; that’s as close as they’d let me get.

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